How To Do A Dumbbell Deadlift: Step-by-Step Guide and Benefits

How to do a dumbbell deadlift


  • The dumbbell deadlift is an important exercise to improve the lower body strength as it is a great compound exercise that hits the glutes, hamstrings, lats, and multiple secondary muscles. 
  • The right form to perform dumbbell deadlift is back straight, hip-width stance, slow pace, and avoid looking up to not put stress on your spine.
  • Some common mistakes that can increase the chance of an injury are back posture, foot stance, speed of the movement, and putting stress on the neck. 
  • Dumbbell deadlifts tend to promote fat burn and strengthen the core, as they engage multiple muscle groups and improve post-exercise calorie burn-EPOC effect.
  • Regular deadlifts additionally help improve posture and minimize the chance of injuries by strengthening both back muscles and stabilizers, promoting long-term mobility and spinal health.

The dumbbell deadlift is one of the classic strength-building exercises, and it is usually included in almost all the well-organized fitness routines just like squat and bench press.

The reason is definitely that the dumbbell deadlifts works out several muscle groups, helps in everyday life, and makes one feel valid. But still the proper dumbbell deadlift form and techniques are not that intuitive, especially when it comes to being a total newbie in strength training.

With all this said, dumbbell deadlifts are an art. There a few things you need to keep in mind to avoid injuries when doing deadlifts.

This guide will give you step-by-step instructions to do a dumbbell deadlift, how to avoid common mistakes, and the benefits.

How To Do A Dumbbell Deadlift

dumbbell-deadlift step by step guide

A dumbbell deadlift is a compound weight training exercise. Instead of picking the barbell off the floor to your hip level, you hold the dumbbell in your hands the entire time. It is one of the three most effective exercises for your lower body.

Step By Step Guide On How To Do A Dumbbell Deadlift 

Guide on how to do a dumbbell deadlift

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold a dumbbell in each hand beside your thighs. This is the starting position.

2. Hinge from your hips, bending slightly at the knees. Push your buttocks way back and keep your back flat. 

3. Your torso should be almost parallel to the floor and the weights should reach your shins. 

4. Keep your core tight while pushing through your heels and standing up straight. Keep the weights in close to your shins while you pull. 

5. Pause at the top and squeeze your glutes. This is 1 rep.

The right form for performing a dumbbell deadlift

Dumbbell Deadlift Muscles Worked 

Which muscles do the dumbbell deadlift work

Dumbbell deadlifts are a compound exercise and use different muscle groups. The primary muscles are the main muscles that are strained.

The primary muscles used for dumbbell deadlifts are the glutes, hamstring, and lats.

Secondary muscles are the ones that support the primary muscles. They help with the synergy of the entire movement. The synergy of primary and secondary muscles helps to stabilize your body and to prevent injury.

Dumbbell deadlifts work a lot of secondary muscles making it an effective compound exercise.

The secondary muscles worked are gastrocnemius, obliques, abdominal muscles, quadriceps, upper back muscles, and even your arms.

Common Dumbbell Deadlift Mistakes 


Back Isn’t Straight

Arching of the back is a common weight lifter mistake. Not just for this exercise, but for many movements. Bending the spine during a deadlift can lead to complications.

To avoid this mistake, keep your chest straight and up. This tip can help keep your back straight during a deadlift. Another tip is to do all of the liftings from your legs and not take support from the back.

If your body is naturally taking support from your back, then it means you are trying to lift too much.

Bad Feet Positioning

Your feet stance is essential. Every exercise has a different stance from hip-width apart to shoulder-width apart. A slight change in the angle can transfer the force on a different part of the body.

You should aim for a hip-width apart stance for a dumbbell deadlift.

Moving Too Quickly

You need to take this movement slow. When you start the exercise, squeeze your hamstring and glutes. When you are rising, push your heels downwards and slowly pull your upper back up to get optimal results.

Don’t Look Up

When you look up and straight, you are stressing your cervical spine and neck muscles. Your gaze should be a few feet in front of you and never straight up.

You might think that looking straight up is helping you keep your back straight. However, this can lead to neck pain in the long run.

Benefits Of A Dumbbell Deadlift


Burns More Fat

The science behind this is simple. A dumbbell deadlift engages more muscle groups; hence, more energy is required.

Your body also goes into EPOC or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. This is your body trying to come back to its normal state. It has to replenish the levels of oxygen and glycogen that was used.

With a dumbbell deadlift, you are engaging more muscle groups. Hence more calories are required for recovery.

Strengthen Your Core

Doing a dumbbell deadlift takes support from your core. The core plays a vital role in helping stabilize your body. Your core is also supporting your spine to keep it neutral.

So, doing deadlifts works out your core as well. Having a solid core is essential to lifting more and building functional strength.

Prevents Injury

A dumbbell deadlift can help strengthen your body which helps to minimize injuries. For example, deadlifts help maintain your posture. A bad posture can lead to neck and shoulder pain, complications in the spine, and interference with your mobility.

Deadlifts engage your lower back as well. If you keep your back straight during the movement, you work your lumbar spinal extensors. These muscles are responsible for stabilizing your lower spine.

You should also incorporate a back workout that can help reduce age-related back injuries and strengthen your muscles.


How to do a Dumbbell Deadlift correctly?

To do a dumbbell deadlift correctly, stand with your feet hip-width apart, keep your back straight, and bend down to hold the dumbbells. Engage your core, drive through your heels, and squeeze your glutes as you lift. Lower yourself slowly to maintain control and avoid injury.

How to do a Dumbbell Step Up?

Grab a dumbbell in each hand and stand before a sturdy bench or platform. Step up with one foot pressing through your heel, and bring the other foot up. Step down slowly, then do the same on the other leg. Keep your back straight and engage your core to stabilize.

How to do a Deadlift Step by Step?

Begin by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart and a weight in your hands (barbell or dumbbells). Keep your back straight and hinge the waist down while lowering the weight. Keep the back neutral. Then, push through your heels to engage the glutes and lift back up. Go in a controlled motion; do not rush through it.

How to do Dumbbell Rows Properly?

Bend over to pick up a pair of dumbbells very close to the ground, knees slightly bent, back held straight. Pull the dumbbells toward your torso using the lats, and lower them slowly to the starting position. Never round the back, and control the movement to recruit the maximum number of muscle fibers.